هجري-ميلادي is an app that allows you to view the current date in the Muslim calendar or Gregorian calendar. While the Gregorian calendar has 365 days (366 if it is a leap year), the Hijri calendar has 354 days (355 days if it is a leap year). In addition, the calendar used in the world of Islam takes into account year zero as July 16, 622 AD of the Gregorian calendar. That year was the year in which Muhammad had to flee from Mecca to Medina during the Hegira.
So, in the Hijri calendar the months are divided into six months of 29 days and six months of 30 days, while the intercalary months are divided into five months of 29 days and seven months of 30. To avoid confusion, هجري-ميلادي allows you to consult both calendars, as well as to convert dates from one year to another.
Beyond converting dates, هجري-ميلادي also provides information on prayer times and the quibla. You can also add upcoming events, and display the date they will take place on both calendars so that you don't get confused.
So if you frequently use both calendars, downloading the هجري-ميلادي APK is one of the best ways to avoid confusion.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 7.0 or higher required
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